

A showcase of my past, present, and future


I built a web app for finding cheap wings near you. It allows you to sort by city, price, distance, or by the best wings. Give it a shot the next time you’re looking for a cheap eat!

Under the hood, I’m using AngularJS and SCSS to render the front-end. It goes through GulpJS to create production (minified) files as well as enabling live reload on both front-end and back-end (running on the same instance). The back-end is written in NodeJS (using Express to handle server portion) and utilizes a REST API. For a database, I decided to use MongoDB.

The hosting is being provided by DigitalOcean. For this project, I created a basic Linux server and manually implemented NodeJS, Mongo, Git, and NGINX. This allowed me to test my bash skills and learn how a server is set up at a lower level.

The main objectives of this application were to learn AngularJS as well as to dabble with writing NodeJS.

Mobile view of landing screen Desktop view of landing screen Mobile view of results screen
Javascript (ES6+)

February 1, 2017