

A showcase of my past, present, and future
Portfolio v4

Portfolio v4

In the fourth major rewrite of my portfolio, I embarked on a transformative journey to enhance performance, boost SEO, and revamp key sections of the site. This complete overhaul was driven by a passion for efficiency and a desire to create a more engaging user experience.

One of the standout features of this version was the introduction of a brand-new header, designed to captivate and draw visitors deeper into the content. To streamline development and management, I made a strategic shift to markdown files, a move that not only lightened the load for me as a developer but also resulted in smoother operations.

The projects page underwent a significant facelift, now offering a visually compelling showcase coupled with in-depth information. This not only adds aesthetic appeal but also provides visitors with a comprehensive understanding of each project’s intricacies.

Likewise, the contact page received a visual upgrade, presenting information in a more appealing format while ensuring that visitors can easily connect with me. This redesign not only enhances aesthetics but also improves accessibility and user-friendliness.

A pivotal aspect of this rebuild was the utilization of the Astro framework, which played a crucial role in achieving an outstanding Lighthouse score. The dynamic view transitions within Astro introduced a newfound fluidity to the user experience, creating a seamless journey through the site.

Furthermore, the assets pipeline within Astro allowed for optimized images and a reduction in bundle size, ensuring swift loading times and a smoother browsing experience. The integration of Astro’s static site generation capabilities proved instrumental in generating SEO-friendly static pages, significantly bolstering the discoverability of my portfolio.

The decision to rebuild using Astro was not only driven by its impressive capabilities but also by a personal connection. Named after our newly adopted canine companion, Astro, the choice resonated with my love for all things space and my keen interest in the AstroJS framework.

In this latest iteration, my portfolio stands as a testament to the power of strategic design decisions, technological prowess, and a touch of personal flair. The Astro-powered overhaul has not only elevated the performance and accessibility of my site but has also paved the way for a more immersive and engaging user experience.

The redesigned header The projects redesign The new contact header
Javascript (ES6+)

October 19, 2023