

A showcase of my past, present, and future
Nissan: Find Your Frontier

Nissan: Find Your Frontier

My role in the “Nissan: Find Your Frontier” project was entirely from a direction and management perspective. The client debriefed our team on the strategy and vision they wanted to see. The result of this debrief led me to work closely with our internal teams to assess what we could deliver within the timeline.

After several brainstorming and proof of concept sessions, we pitched the work to our client. I was involved heavily in these conversations and answered any technical questions. After a few revisions, we settled on roughly what is live today.

Once the client had signed off on the vision, I went to work on writing an estimate on the level of effort required. I also selected the best developers for this work, hired new developers to fill open roles, and worked closely with a third-party agency on the technical specifications required for the 3D models. While I wasn’t involved directly in the code, I felt I meaningfully contributed to the success of this project.

Example of the landing screen for the experience Example of the 3D Basecamp Example of our custom HTML5 video player

October 1, 2021