

A showcase of my past, present, and future


BetterDo was my take on a todo application. I was unhappy with the alternatives, so I decided to build my own version.

It was inspired by similar applications, but also featured a spark of its own. It was fully featured as well. Including several impressive features for a side project. Some of the features included:

  • The ability to have multiple Lists
  • Ability to have smart sorting for tasks
  • It included “smart lists” for displaying relevant tasks
  • The ability to schedule due dates
  • The ability to share lists with other users
  • And much more!

The application was the first single page web application I ever built. It featured a REST API, Ajax, and my own terrible framework (I regret everything)! On the server side, it was using PHP and MySQL.

Example on desktop Example of editing/sharing list Example of editing task
Javascript (ES6+)

April 20, 2015