

A showcase of my past, present, and future
BetterDo v3

BetterDo v3

I built a web app for organizing and maintaining to-do lists and tasks. It features has offline support, shared lists, and push notifications. Give it a try if you’re looking to declutter your life.

Under the hood, I’m using React, styled components, MobX to render the front-end. The application also registers a service worker. This enables offline support, adds progressive web application features, and adds push notifications.

On the back-end, I’m using Node. I have an Express server to handle requests, Passport for managing sign-in with Google, and MongoDB for storing data. I also got the codebase to 100% test coverage with Jest.

For hosting, I chose to use DigitalOcean. I had other projects using DitigalOcean, so I created a new Ubuntu server that could host all my applications inside a single instance. This allowed me to reduce my hosting costs significantly.

Example of desktop experience Mobile Experience List Members User Interface
Javascript (ES6+)

January 4, 2019